Registration fee
covers: access to sessions, coffee breaks and lunch, conference festive dinner and social event,
abstract book and specific conference materials.
Registration fee does not cover accommodation.
The organizing committee will be responsible for booking the
rooms according with the participants' preferences (see accommodation
rates). Please complete the registration form.
For dinner (buffet type) – the price is
120 RON per person/day (optional), except for the Festive dinner which is
included in the conference fee.
Fee payment by bank transfer to:
Bank: BRD – GSG Rm. Valcea
Bank address: Str. General Praporgescu nr. 18,
Rm. Valcea, Romania
IBAN/Account EUR No: RO34BRDE390SV01637823900
IBAN/Account RON No: RO73BRDE390SV01871783900
Beneficiary: Institutul
National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Criogenice si
Izotopice (I.N.C.D.T.C.I. –
I.C.S.I. Rm. Valcea)
Mandatory. Details of payment: company name; for EnergEn 2023